It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. ~e.e. cummings

Yesterday, I talked about living with childlike wonder. Today, I came across the above quote and it makes me want to write about finding balance between our inner child and growing up to be who you are meant to be. Living with childlike wonder keeps your passions alive, but the navigation of every day life; where people, places and things impact us, gives us life challenges that keep us moving forward as well.
If you think about yourself; are you truly expressing your own thoughts? Or do you find yourself being like-minded with those around you, in a way where you are avoiding who you really are. Here's something I never did. Show emotions other than "everything is fine". The reality of life means everything isn't always going to be fine in the moment. You have to allow yourself the freedom to be who you are in the moment, and work thru the emotions that go along with it.
Here's another quote that brings home this thought today...
Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Oscar Wilde, De Profundis, 1905
Wow, that hits home for me at times. I always want my space to be peaceful so at times I bend and shift my opinions to keep everything "ok" in the moment. Not anymore. I am starting to view the world with my own eyes; keeping my childlike wonder with the anticipation that anything is possible while I grow stronger sharing my true feelings, finding courage to grow up and be who I am.
So take a look at your life and find balance with your inner child and your adult self. ENJOY!!
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