Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Unlock The Door To Your Inner Wisdom

Do you want to know exactly what to put in your day?  Then as it says above, unlock the door to your inner wisdom.  But in order to get there, you really need to put away your damaged human outlook on life.  And that is not an easy thing to do.

Lets face it, we all have emotions within us thru memories of times past that make us vulnerable to negative energy.  There are present day triggers that will rise up anger and hurt.  We then spiral, filling our minds with negative thoughts as we move ourselves into a closed box of reality.  We are unable to see the light of day that is waiting for us all.

I know from experience, in order to move on in life, you have to get past what brings you down first.  Lessons will present themselves over and over again until you reach that "aha" moment. When you get there, you will unlock the door to your inner wisdom that has been waiting to shine and life will move forward.

Life can be a broken record.  Look for your lessons, oh you will recognize them, they are the ones that rise up your emotions.  As I said a couple of days ago, you and you alone are putting the spin on your thoughts that can either take you down or rise you above.

I am starting to recognize when there is a lesson to be learned.  For example, money or the lack of always seems to be a repeated lesson.  But when I released the feeling that I needed money to move on, I found thru my inner wisdom what was already available, to create what I wanted to do in the first place.  It is a lesson learned, I am sure.

This is fun!  Embrace the lessons as they present themselves and you will live a great big beautiful life filled with positive energy and light.... ENJOY!!!

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