Monday, May 7, 2012

Keep Things Around For Seven Years And They Are Bound To Come In Handy ~ Russian Proverb

What a weekend!  After my post on Saturday, talking about bringing yourself back up from a day filled with negative energy, I must say... I went totally into the positive realm, filled with creative energy.

On Saturday, I went out for my usual walk into the town of Ligonier.  I love Ligonier on the weekends.  So many people enjoying themselves and the weather was beautiful.  On my way, I engaged in numerous conversations with people I did not know.  With each conversation, I received renewed encouragement to keep following my path,  They were wonderful signs  to stay focused and keep moving forward.  One conversation in particular happened when a very nice couple and I ran into each other in 3 different places.  By the time we all ended up in a new ice creamery; they invited me to sit down with them.  It was such a charming moment as I felt as if I knew them from long ago.  We all were heading in the same direction when we left; and I was asked to go into one of the shops by his wife to give my opinion on which purse she should buy.  We then parted ways as they were at their car and I was almost home.  I felt in that brief moment that I had made new friends.  It was wonderful.

And then yesterday,  I was so motivated, I created the office space I always wanted with furniture pieces I already had in my home. I wasn't getting an office together because I thought I needed to go out and buy the office furniture.  But I didn't... as the title says above, the things I already had in my home came in handy and I am now writing to you from my newly created office space.  I used a beautiful oak desk that my mother-in law had given us some time ago.  My son's had given me an office chair a couple of years ago so I moved it from the space I thought I was going to use as an office.  I had a 3-shelf stand that now sits behind my desk and keeps all of my documents together.  I set up my other laptop and CD player for music and  I positioned by the desk, the wicker and wingback chairs I already had in this space for future meetings.   And as I write you this morning from my new office,  it just makes me smile.  Total cost of this rennovation?  $0  :)

So, take alook around at people, places and things that come your way.  You never know who you might engage in conversation or how a little tweaking of things you already have in your home can bring out a brand new environment.

Have a wonderful Monday!!! Embrace your day... and ENJOY!!!

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