Thursday, May 10, 2012

Send WIshes On Paper Airplanes...

I had a very fun experience this week.  I stopped over at our theater Tuesday evening as children were in rehearsal for an upcoming show.  As I entered the room,  I was immediately greeted by all of them.  They warmed my heart and I noticed the excited anticipation in their faces.  The energy in the room was extremely high and I knew I was in the right place at that moment.  I ended up staying for most of the rehearsal, watching even the youngest ones do their best as they giggled at times, looking over at me. I saw in action what I often write about ...seeing and living in the world with childlike wonder.

Some of these children have grown their talents tremendously over the past couple of years.   You can see they have passion for what they are doing.  And of course, kids will be kids and their creative expressions need guided at times.  But there is no greater joy then taking a moment to give back knowledge; gently helping guide them and then watch them immediately respond.  There is also something to be said about the pure joy they express and I left that evening carrying some of it home with me.

I started thinking about living with childlike wonder; having wishes and dreams I want to live out loud.  I want to bring back a little of that "kids will be kids" mentality to move forward in life. In fact, we should make wishes on paper airplanes. And so I recommend that to you.  Create a paper airplane and write down your passions in life.  Then go outside and send it up into the sky.  It sounds silly I know but giving yourself the freedom to open up your world; to do the unexpected; have a kids will be kids moment. You will return to your adult world filled with excited anticipation.  You will see things differently and live out loud with enthusiasm once more.


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