Pull Up The Anchor And Free Yourself!

It never ceases to amaze me, your going along your merry way, when all of a sudden, a situation comes up, a trigger... that instantly takes away your positive energy and light. It feels like an immediate dropping of an anchor, that stops you immediately in your tracks and does not allow your mind to set sail.
We all have anchors in our lives that hold us back....
You can feel your personality change as the anchor drops and the situation unfolds. You immediately drift away from your true intentions and your mind fills with negative thoughts.
Once you are in this state of mind and thanks to the emotional rollercoaster you feel while you are in menopause, it definitely feels like a lead weight has fallen.
So where do you go with this once you are there? Because lets face it... we all go there from time to time. Well first of all, try not to pull in those who are not the cause of your feelings, like your spouse, children and friends. Acknowledge to them where your emotions currently are, do not take it out on them.
If you have to retreat to clear your mind, then retreat. My wonderful husband knew I wasn't going to be in a good mood when I walked in the door last night. I was trying to fight the feeling and engage in conversation, but negativity spewed out and he suggested I go in the other room as he made dinner for me. Both of my sons knew where my mind was, I received a note from my older son in college who encouraged me with "keep truckin along" and my younger son repeatedly engaged in conversation throughout the evening in his upbeat way.
And most importantly, YOU have to realize... YOU are putting the thoughts in YOUR head that are bringing YOU down. YOU have allowed YOURSELF to be impacted by a situation and only YOU can lift the anchor to set sail once again. And if the truth be told, you probably were your own worse enemy in the situation because you allowed it to impact your day (and night as well in my case)
So, I allowed myself to process the negative emotions and eventually replaced, one by one, each negative thought with a positive one. I regained my confidence on where I want my path to go and raised the anchor to set sail once again.
And one last note, remember to thank your spouse, children and friends who support you even when your anchors drop. Enjoy and have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Shiver me timbers! There be NO termites in my wooden leg! I'll hoist me sails high, matey!